ASIA: Torture Prevention and Rehabilitation in Asia
Paper : Reading from the abstracts of papers from other participants and guest speakers for this Conference, the idea of 'access to justice', as a theme to improve work on torture prevention and rehabilitation of victims is given strong importance. To lay the basic orientation of this paper, I resolved to review first the literature on how this term were originally conceptualized; and, in developing countries in Asia, where all of the participants have enormous experience in terms of torture prevention and rehabilitation, how they operate in reality. Read More...
INDONESIA: Another protester dies amidst the tense situation at Freeport
Leo Wandagau while injured, awaiting his treatment in the hospital on October 10, source: Freeport Union
Urgent Appeal Update : We have received information regarding the death of yet another union protester on 15 October 2011, following a shooting injury on October 10. The situation at the Freeport mine in Timika, West Papua remains tense, due to the repressive approach of the Papua regional police (POLDA Papua). Read More...
ASIA: The state of human rights in Asia on International Human Rights Day 2011
Statement : On the occasion of the annual International Human Rights Day, held on December 10, 2011, the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is releasing reports on the human rights situations in ten Asian countries: Bangladesh, Burma, India, Indonesia, Nepal, Pakistan, the Philippines, Thailand, South Korea and Sri Lanka. In 2011, the AHRC has witnessed the continuing widespread use of torture, enforced disappearances and extrajudicial killings by state agents, serious clampdowns on the freedom of expression, and attacks on human rights defenders. Furthermore, in some of the countries listed above, religious intolerance has led to suppression of religious freedoms and violence against religious minorities. Read More...
INDONESIA: Another protester dies amidst the tense situation at Freeport
December 15, 2011 Urgent Appeal Update
ASIA: The state of human rights in Asia on International Human Rights Day 2011
December 09, 2011 Statement
INDONESIA: Hak Asasi Manusia tahun 2011 - Lunturnya Pancasila dan Perlindungan Konstitusional
December 08, 2011 Statement
INDONESIA: Human Rights in 2011 - The Decay of Pancasila and Constitutional Protections
December 08, 2011 Statement
INDONESIA: AHRC launches human rights report on the occasion of the International Human Rights Day
December 07, 2011 Press Release
INDONESIA: New report reveals extent of Papua human rights violations; NGOs meet in Geneva to address their concerns on the situation of human rights in Papua
November 17, 2011 Statement
INDONESIA: A protester demanding her labour rights suffered a miscarriage due to police violence
October 21, 2011 Urgent Appeal Case
INDONESIA: One person killed, hundreds arrested and five persons charged with rebellion at Third Papuan People's Congress
October 20, 2011 Urgent Appeal Case
INDONESIA: No transparency in military proceedings against officers responsible for violence against Kebumen villagers
October 20, 2011 Urgent Appeal Update
INDONESIA: Security forces open fire at Third Papuan People's Congress
October 19, 2011 Press Release
INDONESIA: Authoritarian style show of force at Third Papuan People's Congress
October 19, 2011 Press Release
INDONESIA: Police in Timika kill one union protester and injure others at Freeport
October 13, 2011 Urgent Appeal Case
INDONESIA: Jayapura city district police and military arbitrarily torture and arrest Papuan civilians
October 11, 2011 Urgent Appeal Case
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Sunday, 8 January 2012
Indonesia — Asian Human Rights Commission