Friday, 17 February 2012

Grandad declared capable of work by testing firm died one month later - Mirror Online

Grandad declared capable of work by testing firm died one month later

Stephen Hill, 53, had suffered heart problems for two years and needed a bypass but was told he was fit to come off incapacity benefit

Tragedy: Brother Anthony Hill with a picture of Stephen Tragedy: Brother Anthony Hill with a picture of Stephen Ross Parry

A dad of two who was told he was fit to come off incapacity benefit and get a job died of a heart attack a month later.

Married grandad Stephen Hill, 53, had suffered heart problems for two years and needed a bypass.

He had already won an appeal against a Work Capability Assessment by French testing firm Atos but was passed fit for work again on November 17.

Stephen, of Duckmanton, Derbys, died on December 26 before his new appeal could be heard.

His brother Anthony, 52, said: “The worry put so much pressure on him.”

Atos is paid £100million a year by the Department for Work and Pensions to get people off benefits.

But 150,000 it ruled fit won appeals last year.

Labour MP Tom Greatrex said yesterday: “It is time the Government got a grip, improved the process and applied fines to Atos healthcare.”

A DWP spokesman said: “The test is designed to assess a person’s ability to work, which can change over time.”