Zack WhittakerFacebook adds 'Memories': Internal prototype exposed by mistake
By Zack Whittaker | December 16, 2010, 1:40pm PST
Facebook has added ‘Memories’ to the long list of new features rolling out on the site over the last few weeks, which gives users a brief look over each year of their time on the site.
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Zack Whittaker
Zack Whittaker
Zack Whittaker started playing with computers before he could even tie his shoelaces; although that skill wasn't discovered until he was 10. Amongst many things, he is a good-for-nothing, pink sock wearing, British student at the University of Kent in Canterbury, UK working towards a BA (Hons) Criminology and Social Policy.
In between studying, drinking, and occasionally sleeping, he works with researchers studying neurological illnesses like Tourette's syndrome (of which he suffers from), and gives talks and lectures on disabilities.
He grew up in "Robin Hood Country" in Nottinghamshire, UK for the best part of his life, but still heads there on occasion to see his ever-supporting and loving family, godchildren and his friends. Although due to his age he may seem inexperienced and misguided, but he's already totalled up many years of work, education, knowledge and general (mis)adventure.
Facebook has added ‘Memories’ to the long list of new features rolling out on the site over the last few weeks. This will be particularly useful for college students who struggle to remember the drunken times they have had, over the course of the last three years whilst ’studying’.
It adds a timeline to your Facebook history, such as how many statuses you have written in a particular year, how many friends you added, and some of the photos from that particular category of friends.
Also, Places has had a prime slot added to the left hand side menu of your profile, allowing you to see a fully documented list of statuses of where you and your friends have checked in.
To see a full set of screenshots of the new ‘Memories’ feature, including the new Places panel added to Facebook, head on over to the gallery.Users will get Memories as and when it rolls out. It appeared only a short ago on some profiles, but will be out before the end of the year, we expect.
Updated (10:34 GMT): Looks like we weren’t meant to see this yet, so luckily we did. Facebook just updated their own status, saying:
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Zack Whittaker, the youngest in the ZDNet network, is a British student at the University of Kent, where he studies a BA (Hons) Criminology and Social Policy undergraduate degree.
Zack Whittaker
I worked at Microsoft as an intern a few years ago but have since cut my ties with them. I'm very grateful for their support over the years and the acquaintances I've made and the positive impact they've had on my future career. In spite of this, I remain impartial and unbiased to my views.
I don't hold any stock or shares, investments or industrial secrets in any company, but have signed confidentiality agreements with a number of UK and US organisations, whose names I am not at liberty to disclose.
I am highly involved with Kent Union, the University of Kent's student union, a charitable organisation which seeks to represent every student at either Canterbury, Medway, Tonbridge, Brussels or Paris campuses. Between May 2009 and December 2009, I was elected as a voluntary, non-salaried position - as welfare officer for Rutherford College at the university.
Between October 2009 and December 2009, I was elected as a voluntary, non-salaried position - as ordinary council member for Kent Union Council, the governing body for the students union. No other company, body, governmental department, non-governmental organisation or third sector organisation employs me or pays me a salary in any capacity whatsoever.
(Updated: 23rd February 2010)
Zack Whittaker
Zack Whittaker started playing with computers before he could even tie his shoelaces; although that skill wasn't discovered until he was 10. Amongst many things, he is a good-for-nothing, pink sock wearing, British student at the University of Kent in Canterbury, UK working towards a BA (Hons) Criminology and Social Policy.
In between studying, drinking, and occasionally sleeping, he works with researchers studying neurological illnesses like Tourette's syndrome (of which he suffers from), and gives talks and lectures on disabilities.
He grew up in "Robin Hood Country" in Nottinghamshire, UK for the best part of his life, but still heads there on occasion to see his ever-supporting and loving family, godchildren and his friends. Although due to his age he may seem inexperienced and misguided, but he's already totalled up many years of work, education, knowledge and general (mis)adventure.
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My personal view of the world via the articles i read and post, because I believe in that path, mixed with the views of others who sometimes clash with my point of view... very badly at times! Spot which ones they are. DYK that if you had projectbrainsaver type kit you would already know that, and so much more!
Friday, 17 December 2010
Facebook adds 'Memories': Internal prototype exposed by mistake | ZDNet
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