Tuesday, 4 January 2011

Development scorecard: where points were won and lost in 2010 | Global development | guardian.co.uk

Cancun Greenpeace activists at the Cancun climate change summit, one of the positive developments in 2010. Photograph: Jason Taylor/EPA

As 2010 draws to a close, it is worth reflecting on what the year has delivered in development terms. Above all, 2010 represents the culmination of a remarkable decade in which talk of progress – across a wide span of development indicators – has once again become respectable, even in the face of unprecedented global events. But while the last decade has delivered a great deal, in truth, 2010 itself is a much harder year to sum up. Not to be deterred, I polled my ODI colleagues and asked them to come up with their own development scorecard for 2010. What follows is a selection of some of their top picks (and mine too):

On the positive side in 2010:

A strong showing from low and middle-income countries in recovering from the effects of the global financial crisis.

Some remarkable stories of progress on a range of millennium development goals (MDGs) by sub-Saharan African countries that don't normally make it into the headlines.

The G20 Seoul Consensus on development (a first from this grouping and the first under the leadership of a non-G8 country).

The re-emergence of the US as a more constructive multilateral player.

The international community picking up the pieces after Copenhagen and continuing efforts to press for a roadmap in Cancún, together with some positive UK leadership on climate particularly on climate financing.

Disappointments and missed opportunities in 2010:

Continuing tragedy in Haiti and Democratic Republic of the Congo.

A failure to get any real movement on global re-balancing at the G20.

Loss of EU momentum on climate and development following Copenhagen, encapsulated by the cancellation of the EU Communication on Climate and Development.

A UN MDG summit that failed to cement the link between climate and development.

Issues to watch carefully in 2011:

The potential dilution and/or politicisation of aid linked to the crude joining together of security and development agendas.

The COP 17 in Durban; will all the talk finally come to fruition?

Oil at $90 a barrel opening the way to a new investment surge in biofuels which could change the face of land-use in many developing nations.

The south Sudan referendum and a series of key presidential elections including Nigeria and Haiti.

Future directions in aid effectiveness; how to spend large amounts of UK overseas development assistance in fragile situations and the new UK Independent Commission on Aid Impact.

If nothing else, 2011 will be a year of continued change in the landscape of development cooperation from north-south to south-south and, possibly, the beginning of a new global cooperation agenda "beyond aid".