Saturday, 22 January 2011

ScienceDirect - Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, Volume 47, Issue 1, Pages 1-282 (January 2011)

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Editorial Board  
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Regular Articles
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Moral judgments and the role of social harm: Differences in automatic versus controlled processing  Original Research Article
Pages 1-6
Ramila Usoof-Thowfeek, Ronnie Janoff-Bulman, Jessica Tavernini

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Mere physical distance and integrative agreements: When more space improves negotiation outcomes  Original Research Article
Pages 7-15
Marlone D. Henderson

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Fondness makes the distance grow shorter: Desired locations seem closer because they seem more vivid  Original Research Article
Pages 16-21
Adam L. Alter, Emily Balcetis

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A new threat in the air: Macroeconomic threat increases prejudice against Asian Americans  Original Research Article
Pages 22-27
David A. Butz, Kumar Yogeeswaran

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Exposure to music with prosocial lyrics reduces aggression: First evidence and test of the underlying mechanism  Original Research Article
Pages 28-36
Tobias Greitemeyer

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The automatic and co-occurring activation of multiple social inferences  Original Research Article
Pages 37-49
Andrew R. Todd, Daniel C. Molden, Jaap Ham, Roos Vonk

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A group construal account of drop-in-the-bucket thinking in policy preference and moral judgment  Original Research Article
Pages 50-57
Daniel M. Bartels, Russell C. Burnett

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Fighting self-control failure: Overcoming ego depletion by increasing self-awareness  Original Research Article
Pages 58-62
Hugo J.E.M. Alberts, Carolien Martijn, Nanne K. de Vries

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The effects of name similarity on message processing and persuasion  Original Research Article
Pages 63-71
Daniel J. Howard, Roger A. Kerin

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Influence of general and specific autobiographical recall on subsequent behavior: The case of cognitive performance  Original Research Article
Pages 72-78
Leila Selimbegovic, Isabelle Régner, Rasyid Bo Sanitioso, Pascal Huguet

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Embodied metaphor and the “true” self: Priming entity expansion and protection influences intrinsic self-expressions in self-perceptions and interpersonal behavior  Original Research Article
Pages 79-87
Mark J. Landau, Matthew Vess, Jamie Arndt, Zachary K. Rothschild, Daniel Sullivan, Ruth Ann Atchley

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Finding everland: Flight fantasies and the desire to transcend mortality  Original Research Article
Pages 88-102
Florette Cohen, Daniel Sullivan, Sheldon Solomon, Jeff Greenberg, Daniel M. Ogilvie

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Egalitarian goals trigger stereotype inhibition: A proactive form of stereotype control  Original Research Article
Pages 103-116
Gordon B. Moskowitz, Peizhong Li

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Isolating effects of cultural schemas: Cultural priming shifts Asian-Americans' biases in social description and memory  Original Research Article
Pages 117-126
Michael W. Morris, Aurelia Mok

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More than fair: Outcome dependence, system justification, and the perceived legitimacy of authority figures  Original Research Article
Pages 127-138
Jojanneke van der Toorn, Tom R. Tyler, John T. Jost

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On the near miss in public good dilemmas: How upward counterfactuals influence group stability when the group fails  Original Research Article
Pages 139-146
David De Cremer, Eric van Dijk

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Demonstrating knowledge: The effects of group status on outgroup helping  Original Research Article
Pages 147-156
Esther van Leeuwen, Susanne Täuber

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The positive effect of negative emotions in protracted conflict: The case of anger  Original Research Article
Pages 157-164
Michal Reifen Tagar, Christopher M. Federico, Eran Halperin

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“White” or “European American”? Self-identifying labels influence majority group members' interethnic attitudes  
Pages 165-170
Kimberly Rios Morrison, Adrienne H. Chung

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Elements of trust: Risk and perspective-taking  
Pages 171-177
Anthony M. Evans, Joachim I. Krueger

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The threat vs. challenge of car parking for women: How self- and group affirmation affect cardiovascular responses  
Pages 178-183
Belle Derks, Daan Scheepers, Colette Van Laar, Naomi Ellemers

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Dangerous enough: Moderating racial bias with contextual threat cues  
Pages 184-189
Joshua Correll, Bernd Wittenbrink, Bernadette Park, Charles M. Judd, Arina Goyle

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The color of safety: Ingroup-associated colors make beer safer  
Pages 190-194
Chris Loersch, Bruce D. Bartholow

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Mind your mannerisms: Behavioral mimicry elicits stereotype conformity  
Pages 195-201
N. Pontus Leander, Tanya L. Chartrand, Wendy Wood

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When fit fosters favoring: The role of private self-focus  
Pages 202-207
Marieke L. Fransen, Bob M. Fennis, Ad Th. H. Pruyn, Kathleen D. Vohs

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Social dominance orientation: Cause or ‘mere effect’?: Evidence for SDO as a causal predictor of prejudice and discrimination against ethnic and racial outgroups  
Pages 208-214
Nour S. Kteily, Jim Sidanius, Shana Levin

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The unexpectedly positive consequences of confronting sexism  
Pages 215-220
Robyn K. Mallett, Dana E. Wagner

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The company you keep: Fear of rejection in intergroup interaction  
Pages 221-227
Jenessa R. Shapiro, Matthew Baldwin, Amy M. Williams, Sophie Trawalter

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Choosing the best means to an end: The influence of ingroup goals on the selection of representatives in intergroup negotiations  
Pages 228-234
Cátia P. Teixeira, Stéphanie Demoulin, Vincent Y. Yzerbyt

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At face value: Categorization goals modulate vigilance for angry faces  
Pages 235-240
Lotte F. Van Dillen, Daniël Lakens, Kees van den Bos

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Moving forward is not only a metaphor: Approach and avoidance lead to self-evaluative assimilation and contrast  
Pages 241-245
Marie-Pierre Fayant, Dominique Muller, Cécile Nurra, Theodore Alexopoulos, Richard Palluel-Germain

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Turn-frogs and careful-sweaters: Non-conscious perception of incongruous word pairings provokes fluid compensation  
Pages 246-249
Daniel Randles, Travis Proulx, Steven J. Heine

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The virtues of opaque prose: How lay beliefs about fluency influence perceptions of quality  
Pages 250-253
Jeff Galak, Leif D. Nelson

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Can buy me love: Mate attraction goals lead to perceptual readiness for status products  
Pages 254-258
Kim Janssens, Mario Pandelaere, Bram Van den Bergh, Kobe Millet, Inge Lens, Keith Roe

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When two become one: Temporally dynamic integration of the face and voice  
Pages 259-263
Jonathan B. Freeman, Nalini Ambady

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Reducing defensive distancing: Self-affirmation and risk regulation in response to relationship threats  
Pages 264-268
Lisa M. Jaremka, Debra P. Bunyan, Nancy L. Collins, David K. Sherman

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The closeness-communication bias: Increased egocentrism among friends versus strangers  
Pages 269-273
Kenneth Savitsky, Boaz Keysar, Nicholas Epley, Travis Carter, Ashley Swanson

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How to keep on keeping on: Framing civil rights accomplishments to bolster support for egalitarian policies  
Pages 274-277
Richard P. Eibach, Valerie Purdie-Vaughns

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The effect of distance-dependent construals on schema-driven impression formation  
Pages 278-281
Tal Eyal, Gina M. Hoover, Kentaro Fujita, Shiri Nussbaum