Saturday, 22 January 2011

Your rights - homepage

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Welcome to Your Rights

This is Liberty’s website to provide information and support to individuals and organisations who wish to understand and enforce their rights under the Human Rights Act 1998.

YourRights guide

This guide aims to provide an easily understood guide to help you understand what your rights are in different areas of law, ranging from the rights to privacy to the right of peaceful protest. You can access the chapters of the YourRights guide by following the links on the left.

The YourRights guide is written by expert lawyers, but is intended primarily for people who have no specialist legal knowledge.

Human Rights Advice?

This site also allows you to access Liberty’s advice services. If you are not able to find the information you want on the YourRights guide you can submit a query to Liberty.

For information on how to get advice, please click here

About Liberty

Liberty (also known as The National Council for Civil Liberties) is one of the UK’s leading civil liberties and human rights organisations. Liberty works to promote human rights and protect civil liberties through a combination of test case litigation, lobbying, campaigning and the provision of free advice. You can find out more about Liberty by visiting Liberty's website, using the link below.