Wednesday 9 February 2011

Make This The Last McKinnon Monday - R.A.G.E.

Make This The Last McKinnon Monday

Starting at midnight, another McKinnon Monday is upon us. As I've been tweeting for some time now, every Monday is a #McKinnonMonday until Gary's extradition is fully and permanently stopped. With a government now composed of a coalition between two parties who have both repeatedly and publicly denounced Gary's extradition and the treaty behind it, it can only be a matter of time before the government announce that they have kept their word.  So, in the hopes that this will be the last McKinnonMonday, let's make it a big one, and make it count!

Tweet For Gary

In the same vein as the Tweet4Gary day held last October, this McKinnon Monday will be 24 hours of tweets to remind the various politicians of their promises and demand that Gary's extradition be stopped.  Soon, and permanently. 

I will be using the hashtag #freegarynow - follow @dandelion101 and @cliffsull, and if you don't already, be sure and follow Gary's mum, @JanisSharp.

The idea is to tweet the following people:

  • Nick Clegg - @Nick_Clegg
  • Chris Huhne - @chrishuhne
  • David Cameron - @Conservatives
  • Downing Street - @number10gov
  • William Hague - @williamjhague
  • UK Parliament - @UKParliament

And while we're on the subject, there's other stuff we can do with Twitter as well: 

  • If you haven't got a Free Gary Twibbon on your Twitter avatar, why not put one on for this McKinnon Monday?
  • You can set your Twitter page background to the Free Gary Twibbon avatars for McKinnon Monday too.
  • And while you're about it, why not change your Twitter avatar to a picture of Gary? 

McKinnon Monday on Facebook 

  • Join one of the Facebook groups for Gary McKinnon - here, here, and/or here, and invite your facebook friends to do the same.
  • Change your Facebook profile picture to one of Gary McKinnon, and paste the following in your status: "I changed my profile picture to Gary McKinnon because I believe the coalition politicians should keep their promises". Invite your friends to do the same
  • Tell David Cameron and Nick Clegg on their Facebook pages that it's time to keep their pre-election promises and stop the extradition. Tell them early, and tell them often!


  • Phone the Attorney General's Ofiice and remind Dominic Grieve that the nation is expecting the pre-election promises of both the Conservatives and LibDems to be kept.  Demand a swift and permanent halt to Gary's extradition.  The number is 020 7271 2492.
  • Likewise, phone the Home Office and remind Theresa May that the nation is expecting the pre-election promises of both the Conservatives and LibDems to be kept.  Demand a swift and permanent halt to Gary's extradition. The number is 020 7035 4848 - ask to be put through to Public Enquiries.  They may try and tell you that the Home Office only carries out Government policy, and to phone the Conservatives or LibDems, but this is a fob-off - government policy has already been made very clear, in the Coalition Manifesto, and in numerous public statements by Nick Clegg, David Cameron, Dominic Grieve, etc - the coalition are opposed to the extradition of Gary McKinnon.  When is the Home Office going to carry out what the Coalition Government have promised?
  • The Foreign Office number is: 020 7008 1500, so you can give them a bell too.
  • And while you're on the phone, why not phone the Cabinet Office as well?  020 7276 1234  for the Switchboard. Both Cameron and Clegg have publicly condemned the extradition of Gary McKinnon - it is high time they made good on their promise to stop this gross injustice.
  • The number for Her Majesty The Queen, at Buckingham Palace, is 020 7930 4832.


You can also email your own MP here.

You can write to Her Majesty The Queen at Buckingham Palace, London SW1A 1AA

The Prime Minister

  • Fax: 020 7925 0918
  • Post: Rt Hon David Cameron MP, Prime Minister, 10 Downing Street, London SW1A 2AA
  • Email: Use this form (less than 1000 characters)

You can also phone Downing Street on 020 7930 4433 or 020 7276 3000

The Parliamentary Switchboard number is 020 7219 3000 - ask for Nick Clegg's Office.  The email address of Nick Clegg's assistant is


May 17, 2010
Claire Simmons said...
Update: The Home Office have advised me to phone the Conservatives on 2027 222 9000 and the LibDems on 0207 222 7999 and/or to put my concerns in writing to
May 17, 2010
Claire Simmons said...
Correction: That Conservatives number should be 0207 222 9000 :-)

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