Tuesday, 19 July 2011

hitekhedhelp: can an outsider to all of your industries trigger a positive reaction from you?

Thanks for replying.

Autonomy can offer projectbrainsaver 100% understanding of what is said and, with minor amounts of questioning, quickly build a bank of that clients pronunciation to enable a 100% transcription rate 27/7/365. Aungate is an example of Autonomy realtime understanding of voice content. Your example “it is 1PM and a co-worker sticks his head in the door and says “Jeet yet?” is one of a type of example that Autonomy feature regarding their guessing technology that would understand, using Bayes theory and Shannon’s law, what was being said.

Both Nuance and Autonomy/Softsound have the ability to understand vast amounts of colloquial speech (and accuratly guess at the rest in Autonomy’s case) and both can optomise any language - #300,000 project cost get you an optimised language from Autonomy… enabling any user of that language to talk and achieve… it also adds the ability, in times of disaster, to use that constantly building understanding of that language to do such things as join members of families back together just by handing them a mobile phone - family members have something in common regarding their speech, father and son - mother and daughter - as do village members and regions.

Part of the build of projectbrainsaver was a firewall for human beings… a way of protecting the most vulnerable from the difficulties modern society can place with regard to information overload, dishonest practices, misinformation, best or worst specialist, etc.. even power over people people. Butterworth’s Law is catalogued by Autonomy and would be capable of building in to this kit as a whole enabling the system to know when something isn’t right before it pops through an elderly person’s door - As would all the laws, rules and regulations for any industry, country, organisation, etc - Aungate already covers litigation in the US, UK and other countries. Because of the build of this technology from Autonomy it is possible for it to ‘feed’ itself; Autonomy has the ability to automatically configure itself - it is known as atomated infrastructure technology.

One use of Autonomy technology can diagnose a patients illness within 95% accuracy first time on just listening to the patient’s description of their symptoms.
No, this can be done now… when you add a personal account that hold a long term databank of what you add into it… all that data to analyse regarding the actual meanings of the words that the client says…. Mmm.

Filip De Graeve, ex manager of the Belgian EGovt build knew the core of projectbrainsaver kit could be done in February of 2003 using Lernout & howsbie technology - its the real time transcription that used to cause the problems but that died with P4 processors and above… fast computers with lots of hard drive and memory.
Autonomy can offer real time understanding of voice. So can Nuance… IBM have come out with an open source offering that does the same… understands what i am saying in real time and with serious accuracy.

Add VoIP, SAN’s, Data Centres and Call centre’s and you have a high powered piece of kit that can be used cheaply by individuals and groups for enhancing their lives without having to aim for the whole world one people bit when their individuality or group offering would other wise be lost as it is now, more often than not…

So, I reiterate, why am i typing? (-: thanks for the replies so far
