Everyone knows the potential destructive power of hurricanes, but few people are aware that storms like Hurricane Irene encourage growth of psychedelic mushrooms.
Yes, it sounds trippy, but one of the strange aftermaths of a hurricane is an increased amount of mushrooms popping up -- especially the psilocybin -- or "magic" kind -- the ones that cause hallucinations.
According to Dr. Casey Simon, an addiction expert based in Orange County, Calif., hurricanes create the perfect climactic conditions for the mushrooms to grow.
"Mushrooms are spores and they multiply in moisture and are spread by wind," he told HuffPost Weird News.
Dr. Suneil Jain, a naturopathic physician in Scottsdale, Ariz., goes even further.
"The moisture, humidity, the wind and the temperature during hurricanes is the perfect climate for mushrooms," he told HuffPost Weird News. "Also, both hurricanes and mushroom growth are associated with new or full moons, so there may be a lunar element as well."
Jain says, generally, psychedelic mushrooms are noted by their bluish-gray stems, but stresses that many mushrooms can be toxic and ones picked in the wild should not be consumed unless they've been examined by an expert.
However, despite the hallucinogenic effects, he says that magic mushrooms are relatively safe.
"These substances have been used for centuries, with just a handful of cases of addiction, or long-term problems," he said. "Generally, they are fairly benign."
Recent studies by Johns Hopkins University suggest psilocybin mushrooms may have medical benefits, and Jain is one of those who believes the findings could have a positive impact on humanity.
"There is evidence that it can help in treating OCD, body dismorphia issues and even marital problems," he said.
Simon says the real danger of the mushrooms isn't the psilocybin.
"Some mushrooms can attract a fungus that makes them more toxic," he said. "It looks like a gray mold on the under side. Just a few differences in temperature can make a difference."
Jain says that's why experienced mushroom experts pick mushrooms when they are as fresh as possible.
"The optimal time to pick is right after the storm before the other elements can affect them," he said.
Still, the news that the whole East Coast of the U.S. could soon be awash in 'shrooms is bound to get every hippie worth his hemp sandals and hacky sack on the hunt for a new high.
Mushrooms are likely to pop up in locations where bark is used for decorative landscaping, like industrial parks and government offices, according to ethnobotanist Clark Heinrich
It's important to emphasize that wild mushrooms -- both mind-altering or not -- should not be consumed willy nilly, but Jain hopes to use the fact that so many potentially medicinal mushrooms will soon be popping up all over the East Coast as a way to raise a discussion about an aspect of the medical-pharmaceutical industry he doesn't like.
"There are a lot of medicinal plants that [have health benefits]," he said. "For instance, the main ingredient in statin drugs comes from red yeast rice. But instead of focusing on the plants that can heal, medical science tries to find the active ingredient, change it slightly and then market that so they can charge a lot."
"Besides that, singling out one ingredient in the plant, like psilocybin, doesn't take into account that everything in the plant, and that they all work together."
- Article from The Huffington Post.
My personal view of the world via the articles i read and post, because I believe in that path, mixed with the views of others who sometimes clash with my point of view... very badly at times! Spot which ones they are. DYK that if you had projectbrainsaver type kit you would already know that, and so much more!
Tuesday, 30 August 2011
Hurricane Irene Could Sprout Bumper Crop Of Magic Mushrooms | Cannabis Culture Magazine
Fightback Against Atos Censorship! | The Fanatic
Republished in solidarity! – Latest news 15 websites and counting are now defying Atos’ empty legal threats.
The Carer Watch forums forced offline by poverty pimps Atos Origin are still not back despite Atos claiming to be willing to negotiate. It now appears that Atos are refusing to even state which posts on the site, a volunteer-run online meeting place for disabled people and their carers, they have deemed to be ‘libellous’.
This is the third website run by disabled activists and supporters which has been closed down by legal threats from IT company Atos Origin, despite no evidence that they have ever sought any redress via a court order. In previous cases Atos have objected to parodies of their company logo (legal in many countries and a grey area in UK law) as well as the phrase ‘atos kills’ and the name of the Atos Register of Shame website (now back!).
In this latest development Atos have closed Carer Watch without even specifying which content they found libellous. This is a worrying precedent and should concern all who use the internet as an alternative source of news. It now seems as if any website even vaguely critical of Atos can face having their site taken offline after legal threats to their server/hosting company.
This vicious attack is an attempt to silence disabled people from talking about their experiences of Atos’ disability assessments, which have led to thousands of sick and disabled people being wrongly stripped of vital benefits. This is all happening against the backdrop of a major Atos Corporation rebrand. Atos have a new logo, revamped website, new facebook pages and appear to have adopted a more aggresive approach to promoting themselves online. As they ironically will be managing IT systems for the paralympic games it is little wonder they want to hide the true face of their company – an organisation that has harrassed and bullied disabled people into suicide.
How to help
Since Atos seem so precious about their logo then online activists have been helping with their rebranding by suggesting a more honest corporate identity (see pics attached). If you have a blog, website or facebook page please republish the images, or come up with your own, in solidarity with the websites already closed. It is vital that every time Atos try to silence us we shout louder. The internet is good at that kind of thing.
Atos’ new facebook page can be found at: http://www.facebook.com/Atos?sk=wall comments aren’t staying up long, but there is a list of alternative Atos facebook pages to join on the left.
Please tweet and retweet about this story, using the hashtags #atos #atoskills #atosblog
Atos can be contacted on 020 7830 4444, ask for James Loughrey.
Finally please support and promote the next National Day of Action Against Atos on the 30th September. Organise locally or join us in London outside the BMJ Recruitment Fair at the Business Design Centre in Islington.
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Big Butterfly Count
About the big butterfly count
The big butterfly count is a nationwide survey aimed at helping us assess the health of our environment. It was launched in 2010 and an impressive 10,000 people took part, counting 210,000 butterflies and day-flying moths across the nation. We hope that many more people will join this year's big butterfly count (16th July -7th August 2011).
Sir David Attenborough introduces the big butterfly count
Why count butterflies?
Butterflies react very quickly to change in their environment which makes them excellent biodiversity indicators. Butterfly declines are an early warning for other wildlife losses.
That’s why counting butterflies can be described as taking the pulse of nature.
The count will also assist us in identifying trends in species that will help us plan how to protect butterflies from extinction, as well as understand the effect of climate change on wildlife.
How to take part
Simply count butterflies for 15 minutes during bright (preferably sunny) weather from 16th July to 7th August 2011. We have chosen this time of year because most butterflies are at the adult stage of their lifecycle, so more likely to be seen. Records are welcome from anywhere: from parks, school grounds and gardens, to fields and forests.
If you are counting from a fixed position in your garden, count the maximum number of each species that you can see at a single time. For example, if you see three Red Admirals together on a buddleia bush then record it as 3, but if you only see one at a time then record it as 1 (even if you saw one on several occasions) – this is so that you don’t count the same butterfly more than once . If you are doing your count on a walk, then simply total up the number of each butterfly species that you see during the 15 minutes.
You can submit separate records for different dates, and for different places that you visit. Remember that your count is useful even if you do not see any butterflies or moths.
You can only send in your sightings online at www.bigbutterflycount.org. Unfortunately, we cannot accept any counts sent in on paper or by email, text or phone. Anyone can take part, young or old, but if you are under 16 you’ll need a parent or guardian to assist when you submit your count online. The website will be open to receive records throughout July and August.
Celebrity backing
Sir David Attenborough, President of Butterfly Conservation, and Alan Titchmarsh MBE, Vice President of Butterfly Conservation, have given their enthusiastic backing to the project and will support its launch and operation.
Who is running the survey?
The survey is run by the charity Butterfly Conservation, in association with Marks & Spencer as part of their Plan A commitments to encourage sustainable agriculture and help to protect the environment.
You can help Butterfly Conservation in many ways:
- Become a member
- Help with our other surveys
- Donate money to help us save butterflies and moths
- Tell your friends how to get involved
You can find out more about Marks and Spencer’s commitments to the environment by visiting their Plan A website and signing up for their newsletter.
The Big Butterfly Count has been brought to you by:
Big Butterfly Count
Butterfly Conservation and M&S have joined forces to create The Butterfly Effect, a fantastic cross-curricular educational programme that's spreading the word about our nation's endangered butterflies.
The resources will get children excited about butterflies and inspire families and schools to take part in this year's Big Butterfly Count.
My thanks for the last month or so folks (-: FF
1. | ![]() | @MelissaOnline | ||||||||||
2. | ![]() | @elisatalk | ||||||||||
3. | ![]() | @Sannri | ||||||||||
4. | ![]() | @JanisSharp | ||||||||||
5. | ![]() | @cliffsull | ||||||||||
6. | ![]() | @springingtiger | ||||||||||
7. | ![]() | @Rusteia | ||||||||||
8. | ![]() | @cherylTheRebel | ||||||||||
9. | ![]() | @netlibertaire | ||||||||||
10. | ![]() | @harlechnnorfolk | ? | |||||||||
11. | ![]() | @afmiziara | ||||||||||
12. | ![]() | @MarketReading | ||||||||||
13. | ![]() | @ExpertsnAuthors | ||||||||||
14. | ![]() | @pasupatidasi |
Media Lens Message Board: Dale Farm petition
Dale Farm petitionPosted by Ellie
on August 26, 2011, 10:43 pm
Apologies if posted already, but the eviction's imminent http://action.amnesty.org.uk/ea-action/action?ea.client.id=1194&ea.campaign.id=11724
On August 27th, days before an ultimatum given to Travellers at Dale Farm in Essex expires, supporters will gather to confront the impending eviction. They will be setting up a base, called Camp Constant, from which they will protest the eviction and organise human rights monitoring of police and bailiffs. Supporters are coming to the camp from as far away as Sweden, and some are planning to engage in civil disobedience to resist the eviction, which will make the 100 families homeless. Families at Dale Farm have been given until August 31st to abandon their homes or face bulldozing. The protest camp is welcoming supporters to come for the weekend for workshops and cultural celebrations, and will remain at Dale Farm throughout the eviction.
Dale Farm is home to the largest Traveller community of it�s kind in the
UK, and sits atop a former scrapyard which was purchased by the community thirty years ago.Basildon Council intends to cut water and electricity supplies from Dale
Farm after of the eviction notice period expires. Amnesty International have condemned this as it will leave sick, elderly, young, and pregnant residents without access to water or electricity. Because no alternative sites have been accepted by the Council, families will be forced to either stay at Dale Farm with no water or electricity, or become homeless.(contd at link)
And Dale Farm Travellers prepare for imminent eviction battle
UN rights experts urge UK to resolve eviction threat for Irish Travell
Camp Constant takes root at Dale Farm as eviction date looms (From Echo)
Camp Constant takes root at Dale Farm as eviction date looms
2:11pm Saturday 27th August 2011
CAMPAIGNERS have begun setting up a protest camp within the Dale Farm traveller site as the eviction deadline nears.
Around 100 people have so far arrived at the illegal site and are setting up Camp Constant to show solidarity with the traveller families who are facing eviction from midnight on Wednesday, August 31.
In front of national media, protesters, Basildon residents and Dale Farm residents pledged to resist any attempts by Basildon Council to go ahead with the £18million eviction.
The camp has been organised by the Dale Farm Solidarity group, which says scores more people are expected to arrive over the coming days, including actress Vanessa Redgrave who is expected to visit on Tuesday.
This afternoon, a man was arrested in nearby Oak Lane on suspicion of making threats to cause criminal damage.
The man, thought to be resident, was led away in handcuffs but Essex Police has no more information available at this time.
el caballero de la noche says...
3:00pm Sat 27 Aug 11Another example of camp Bing Anarchists that our nanny State has encouraged, we pay them benefits to do nothing other than conspire against the very system that supports them.Another example of camp Bing Anarchists that our nanny State has encouraged, we pay them benefits to do nothing other than conspire against the very system that supports them. Give em Hell Essex Police !! You have my complete support to smash these vermin. el caballero de la nocheGive em Hell Essex Police !!
You have my complete support to smash these vermin.
Shattered says...
3:51pm Sat 27 Aug 11If Dale farm win, then does this mean every one can build whatever they like and get away with it?If Dale farm win, then does this mean every one can build whatever they like and get away with it? Shattered
naughtyladyofshadylane says...
4:11pm Sat 27 Aug 11travellers travel, or am I wrong? ps bet i don't get the second word below right first time. it's illegible!!!!!!!!!!!travellers travel, or am I wrong? ps bet i don't get the second word below right first time. it's illegible!!!!!!!!!!! !!! No i didn't!! ah this one looks better ?? naughtyladyofshadylane
!!! No i didn't!! ah this one looks better ??
bob7 says...
4:19pm Sat 27 Aug 11This problem has been allowed to grow by lack of action when they first arrived. They have been given years to plan civil disobedience. Are the police going to stand around with their hands tied behind their backs or are they going to be allowed to get on with their jobs alongside the bailiffs? I can see this being a very violent, nasty event. Good luck to those having to deal with it.This problem has been allowed to grow by lack of action when they first arrived. They have been given years to plan civil disobedience. Are the police going to stand around with their hands tied behind their backs or are they going to be allowed to get on with their jobs alongside the bailiffs? I can see this being a very violent, nasty event. Good luck to those having to deal with it. bob7
bob7 says...
4:20pm Sat 27 Aug 11This problem has been allowed to grow by lack of action when they first arrived. They have been given years to plan civil disobedience. Are the police going to stand around with their hands tied behind their backs or are they going to be allowed to get on with their jobs alongside the bailiffs? I can see this being a very violent, nasty event. Good luck to those having to deal with it.This problem has been allowed to grow by lack of action when they first arrived. They have been given years to plan civil disobedience. Are the police going to stand around with their hands tied behind their backs or are they going to be allowed to get on with their jobs alongside the bailiffs? I can see this being a very violent, nasty event. Good luck to those having to deal with it. bob7
firedog says...
4:26pm Sat 27 Aug 11The usual protest about anything drossThe usual protest about anything dross have arrived,not exactly the cavalry,just the imature anti everything brigade! firedog
have arrived,not exactly the cavalry,just the imature anti everything
originalpickaxe says...
4:27pm Sat 27 Aug 11I,ve already located my ring side seat on a piece of highground with a suitable set of binoculars.I,ve already located my ring side seat on a piece of highground with a suitable set of binoculars. I,m looking forward to this. Oh and if vanessa Redgrave actually turns up I'll eat my hat (nice leather one too - Indiana Jones style). originalpickaxe
I,m looking forward to this.
Oh and if vanessa Redgrave actually turns up I'll eat my hat (nice leather one too - Indiana Jones style).
ShipShape says...
5:18pm Sat 27 Aug 11Vanessa Redgrave, ooh, she's coming.Vanessa Redgrave, ooh, she's coming. Bet everyones scared now. Lets call it all off, she might go and tell her Hollywood mates all about it. Speaking of American chums, whatever happened to that nice 'advocacy' chap who turned up a few years back? I remember he came on the message boards a few times to put his point of view across. ShipShapeBet everyones scared now.
Lets call it all off, she might go and tell her Hollywood mates all about it.
Speaking of American chums, whatever happened to that nice 'advocacy' chap who turned up a few years back?
I remember he came on the message boards a few times to put his point of view across.
mr.happy says...
5:23pm Sat 27 Aug 11Shame they didn't set up camp when the local residents lives were made a living hell some years ago. If they are that concerned about non-travelling travellers then why not take them home with them to stay at their own properties.Shame they didn't set up camp when the local residents lives were made a living hell some years ago. If they are that concerned about non-travelling travellers then why not take them home with them to stay at their own properties. mr.happy
Discouraged says...
6:23pm Sat 27 Aug 11Either way we win: If the council succeeds in getting rid of these people great, if not then we are all free to not pay council tax and do what the hell we like as they will have no authority left.Either way we win: If the council succeeds in getting rid of these people great, if not then we are all free to not pay council tax and do what the hell we like as they will have no authority left. Discouraged
Nebs says...
6:48pm Sat 27 Aug 11Is Camp Constant legal?Is Camp Constant legal? Nebs
APR says...
7:14pm Sat 27 Aug 11Didn't think Vanessa Redgrave was still alive.Didn't think Vanessa Redgrave was still alive. You can bet your life that she'll be on the TV news. APR
You can bet your life that she'll be on the TV news.
woolstone says...
7:20pm Sat 27 Aug 11These people are not really travellers they are more like squatters and they have broken the law. They have had enough time over the years to move to a legal site, so as far as I can see it is not very responsible of them to put they children through this trauma. As for Camp Constant do these protesters support law breakers. The law is the law and the people who live on Dale Farm will have to accept there are no exceptions and must take responsibility of their actions.These people are not really travellers they are more like squatters and they have broken the law. They have had enough time over the years to move to a legal site, so as far as I can see it is not very responsible of them to put they children through this trauma. As for Camp Constant do these protesters support law breakers. The law is the law and the people who live on Dale Farm will have to accept there are no exceptions and must take responsibility of their actions. I feel sorry for the residents caught in the middle of all this. woolstone
I feel sorry for the residents caught in the middle of all this.
Mary Lou says...
8:04pm Sat 27 Aug 11Hmmm breach of the peace, obstucting the police and nor being available for work when claiming benefits. Yep arrest, immediate court hearing and an exemplary sentence of 12 months should do the trick.Hmmm breach of the peace, obstucting the police and nor being available for work when claiming benefits. Yep arrest, immediate court hearing and an exemplary sentence of 12 months should do the trick. Mary Lou
anjou says...
9:55pm Sat 27 Aug 11South Norfolk District Council has trousered £300k for providing sites for travellers.. It would not surprise me personally if there was to be an eviction that some of the DF folk would make their way to denton, and gyspy land in denton, and help them spend some of Cllr Balls £1.2 million.South Norfolk District Council has trousered £300k for providing sites for travellers.. It would not surprise me personally if there was to be an eviction that some of the DF folk would make their way to denton, and gyspy land in denton, and help them spend some of Cllr Balls £1.2 million. Bet they are on the phone to Basildon on tuesday... as well as almost every council in East Anglia.. wonder if Boris as a neighbour has had words with Basildon. anjouBet they are on the phone to Basildon on tuesday... as well as almost every council in East Anglia.. wonder if Boris as a neighbour has had words with Basildon.
bazza 1 says...
10:38pm Sat 27 Aug 11I can see a movie coming out of this charade. Starring Mel Gibson, and not unlike " Braveheart". I can hear the cries now " You can take our caravans, but you can never take our benefits".I can see a movie coming out of this charade. Starring Mel Gibson, and not unlike " Braveheart". I can hear the cries now " You can take our caravans, but you can never take our benefits". bazza 1
anjou says...
10:47pm Sat 27 Aug 11I thought an ealing comedy...I thought an ealing comedy... "passport to basildon".. I would guess that come what may that Basildon will be looking for a new MP and also a new leader of the Council.. Ler us see what Wednesday brings.. to the party anjou"passport to basildon"..
I would guess that come what may that Basildon will be looking for a new MP and also a new leader of the Council..
Ler us see what Wednesday brings.. to the party
anjou says...
10:49pm Sat 27 Aug 11I thought an ealing comedy...I thought an ealing comedy... "passport to basildon".. I would guess that come what may that Basildon will be looking for a new MP and also a new leader of the Council.. Ler us see what Wednesday brings.. to the party.. anjou"passport to basildon"..
I would guess that come what may that Basildon will be looking for a new MP and also a new leader of the Council..
Ler us see what Wednesday brings.. to the party..
Mikeyzaz says...
11:00pm Sat 27 Aug 11I would love to join this protest. Unfortunately, I have a job. ****. No doubt this means that I will have to earn the money that pays my bills.I would love to join this protest. Unfortunately, I have a job. ****. No doubt this means that I will have to earn the money that pays my bills. what an awful shame......... Mikeyzazwhat an awful shame.........
shallotman says...
8:16am Sun 28 Aug 11My wife tells me that "Holy Cross" church prayed for them, may I suggest the this church if they are that concerned invites them to camp on Church land at the rear of their other church in the Fremnells.My wife tells me that "Holy Cross" church prayed for them, may I suggest the this church if they are that concerned invites them to camp on Church land at the rear of their other church in the Fremnells. shallotman
onegreatjohnny says...
1:16pm Sun 28 Aug 11Never mind Vanessa Redgrave popping in, Brad Pitt - not unknown for taking up an unpopular cause either - will curiously be in the Billericay area at the time filming.Never mind Vanessa Redgrave popping in, Brad Pitt - not unknown for taking up an unpopular cause either - will curiously be in the Billericay area at the time filming. If he comes over for a look - in character as Micky O'Neil the Irish gypsy boxer he played in 'Snatch' would be nice - things could really start looking up for the Dale Farm travelers. They need a break. Better still ... they need more pitches. onegreatjohnnyIf he comes over for a look - in character as Micky O'Neil the Irish gypsy boxer he played in 'Snatch' would be nice - things could really start looking up for the Dale Farm travelers.
They need a break.
Better still ... they need more pitches.
bazza 1 says...
1:52pm Sun 28 Aug 11[quote][p][bold]onegreatjohnny[/bold] wrote: Never mind Vanessa Redgrave popping in, Brad Pitt - not unknown for taking up an unpopular cause either - will curiously be in the Billericay area at the time filming. If he comes over for a look - in character as Micky O'Neil the Irish gypsy boxer he played in 'Snatch' would be nice - things could really start looking up for the Dale Farm travelers. They need a break. Better still ... they need more pitches.[/p][/quote]They need a break? Thats rich. The people that need a break are the ones who suffer from their illegal ways. Why don't these peolple get a break? I'll tell you why, it's because we are governed by a bunch of Liberal minded numpty's. The government in Eire don't put up with this kind of crap from illegal sites. They changed their laws so they can evict them almost instantly. Why do you think they brought their caravans here in the first place? We are an easy touch. Many of these people have houses and properties in Eire, so why do they buy green belt land here, and abuse the law? Simple. MONEY ! They could buy and sell most of us taxpayers a hundred times over. They are total p**s takers, and we will be well shot of them. bazza 1onegreatjohnny wrote:They need a break? Thats rich. The people that need a break are the ones who suffer from their illegal ways. Why don't these peolple get a break? I'll tell you why, it's because we are governed by a bunch of Liberal minded numpty's. The government in Eire don't put up with this kind of crap from illegal sites. They changed their laws so they can evict them almost instantly. Why do you think they brought their caravans here in the first place? We are an easy touch. Many of these people have houses and properties in Eire, so why do they buy green belt land here, and abuse the law? Simple. MONEY ! They could buy and sell most of us taxpayers a hundred times over. They are total p**s takers, and we will be well shot of them.
Never mind Vanessa Redgrave popping in, Brad Pitt - not unknown for taking up an unpopular cause either - will curiously be in the Billericay area at the time filming.If he comes over for a look - in character as Micky O'Neil the Irish gypsy boxer he played in 'Snatch' would be nice - things could really start looking up for the Dale Farm travelers.
They need a break.
Better still ... they need more pitches.
jolllyboy says...
2:54pm Sun 28 Aug 11Having listened to the radio today I am concerned that many other 'groups' of society support the travellers saying that it is discrimination nazi style.Having listened to the radio today I am concerned that many other 'groups' of society support the travellers saying that it is discrimination nazi style. I am shocked and cannot believe that people support such a blatant fingers up at the law of this country. The situation should never have got this far and has only done so through fear of the human rights card. I hope the bailiffs are careful and have cameras to protect any false claims. If I built in my back garden I would immediately be having to pull it down. It must not be allowed to be one rule for some and not for others.Supporters of this camp are very misguided and doing so for their own gain. jolllyboy
I am shocked and cannot believe that people support such a blatant fingers up at the law of this country. The situation should never have got this far and has only done so through fear of the human rights card. I hope the bailiffs are careful and have cameras to protect any false claims.
If I built in my back garden I would immediately be having to pull it down. It must not be allowed to be one rule for some and not for others.Supporters of this camp are very misguided and doing so for their own gain.
el caballero de la noche says...
5:36pm Sun 28 Aug 11[quote][p][bold]jolllyboy[/bold] wrote: Having listened to the radio today I am concerned that many other 'groups' of society support the travellers saying that it is discrimination nazi style. I am shocked and cannot believe that people support such a blatant fingers up at the law of this country. The situation should never have got this far and has only done so through fear of the human rights card. I hope the bailiffs are careful and have cameras to protect any false claims. If I built in my back garden I would immediately be having to pull it down. It must not be allowed to be one rule for some and not for others.Supporters of this camp are very misguided and doing so for their own gain.[/p][/quote]Do not be shocked just open your eyes. We as a Nanny Socialist State have encouraged Anarchist's to have no respect for the Law of the Land, they are the same groups that disrupted perfectly lawful protests and caused mayhem at the Poll Tax rally, The Student Protests, The anti capitalist protests, They ignore the rights of home owners and squat in many places in London, then take without shame OUR TAXES in benefits that they make no contribution to they also use the NHS at will having contributed shyt. They are in the noisy minority although believe they speak for me will they do not!! they have received the blessing of the Labour Party (Blair's mob)who have campaigned to ensure their human right, civil rights and to top it all they have also had encouragement from the current Basildon Labour Party, who agree with the travellers Law breaking ways. The Locals who live around the camp must be sick to death as their rights have had been bulldozed to the point of Armageddon Proportions and I now see today Sunday 28th Aug 5pm that a 52 yr old local has been arrested for threats to cause damage to the law breakers. If it is the well known local person LG he has my total support and I will certainly contribute to any defence of his Human Rights that have been ignored for far too long. el caballero de la nochejolllyboy wrote:Do not be shocked just open your eyes.
Having listened to the radio today I am concerned that many other 'groups' of society support the travellers saying that it is discrimination nazi style.
I am shocked and cannot believe that people support such a blatant fingers up at the law of this country. The situation should never have got this far and has only done so through fear of the human rights card. I hope the bailiffs are careful and have cameras to protect any false claims.
If I built in my back garden I would immediately be having to pull it down. It must not be allowed to be one rule for some and not for others.Supporters of this camp are very misguided and doing so for their own gain.We as a Nanny Socialist State have encouraged Anarchist's to have no respect for the Law of the Land, they are the same groups that disrupted perfectly lawful protests and caused mayhem at the Poll Tax rally, The Student Protests, The anti capitalist protests, They ignore the rights of home owners and squat in many places in London, then take without shame OUR TAXES in benefits that they make no contribution to they also use the NHS at will having contributed shyt.
They are in the noisy minority although believe they speak for me will they do not!! they have received the blessing of the Labour Party (Blair's mob)who have campaigned to ensure their human right, civil rights and to top it all they have also had encouragement from the current Basildon Labour Party, who agree with the travellers Law breaking ways.
The Locals who live around the camp must be sick to death as their rights have had been bulldozed to the point of Armageddon Proportions and I now see today Sunday 28th Aug 5pm that a 52 yr old local has been arrested for threats to cause damage to the law breakers.
If it is the well known local person LG he has my total support and I will certainly contribute to any defence of his Human Rights that have been ignored for far too long.
onegreatjohnny says...
7:32pm Sun 28 Aug 11That's done it ... he'll probably come as Achilles now.That's done it ... he'll probably come as Achilles now. onegreatjohnny
billparsons says...
8:55pm Sun 28 Aug 11What about all the money they spend in legal aid , going to Court and the High Court in appeals. You or I could never afford to do this so we have to abide by the law. I wonder if any of them have been fined for ignoring the enforcement notices.What about all the money they spend in legal aid , going to Court and the High Court in appeals. You or I could never afford to do this so we have to abide by the law. I wonder if any of them have been fined for ignoring the enforcement notices. billparsons
onegreatjohnny says...
9:35pm Sun 28 Aug 11But there's got to be a better way of dealing with families and children who have taken up residence on what was a scrap yard.But there's got to be a better way of dealing with families and children who have taken up residence on what was a scrap yard. The issue is lack of pitches. onegreatjohnnyThe issue is lack of pitches.
Last Poster says...
10:51pm Sun 28 Aug 11I'll lay a bet with you. I bet all these "Campaigners" that are arriving to lend support to the Tinkers will, when the lawbreakers are shoved off the land, rally round and each take a family into their homes. Though I must say, Billericay are past masters at playing "Nimby" so I cannot understand how this ever happened!I'll lay a bet with you. I bet all these "Campaigners" that are arriving to lend support to the Tinkers will, when the lawbreakers are shoved off the land, rally round and each take a family into their homes. Though I must say, Billericay are past masters at playing "Nimby" so I cannot understand how this ever happened! Last Poster
Steve H says...
11:21pm Sun 28 Aug 11Where has my post gone?? Has The Echo been taken over by the law breakers? Can't I post the truth?Where has my post gone?? Has The Echo been taken over by the law breakers? Can't I post the truth? Steve H
el caballero de la noche says...
9:44am Mon 29 Aug 11[quote][p][bold]shallotman[/bold] wrote: My wife tells me that "Holy Cross" church prayed for them, may I suggest the this church if they are that concerned invites them to camp on Church land at the rear of their other church in the Fremnells.[/p][/quote]I also hear that the Local priest always took a minder of both him and his vehicle with him when he went to the camp and in the end found it necessary to send Nun's onto the camp in a so called 'greater understanding' Plus the Holy Cross if the truth was known would be glad to see the travellers go so the real locals who cause less aggro could return. el caballero de la nocheshallotman wrote:I also hear that the Local priest always took a minder of both him and his vehicle with him when he went to the camp and in the end found it necessary to send Nun's onto the camp in a so called 'greater understanding'
My wife tells me that "Holy Cross" church prayed for them, may I suggest the this church if they are that concerned invites them to camp on Church land at the rear of their other church in the Fremnells.Plus the Holy Cross if the truth was known would be glad to see the travellers go so the real locals who cause less aggro could return.
el caballero de la noche says...
9:54am Mon 29 Aug 11[quote][p][bold]onegreatjohnny[/bold] wrote: But there's got to be a better way of dealing with families and children who have taken up residence on what was a scrap yard. The issue is lack of pitches.[/p][/quote]Why should we as tax payers pay to provide homes for: Irish Nationals People who want to travel Law Breakers Violent and Disorderly People. (This includes their thieving kids) In Truth we do provide camping pitches all over the country and Law abiding caravaner's do pay for and use the sites, without any problems PLEASE take your head out of the sand and ask yourself a very easy question: Why should we the tax payers pay for people that kicks us in the teeth especially when Basildon has hundreds of local homelessfolk living in B&B wanting homes. Sorry but Charity begins at home to those that deserve it. These Irish travellers deserve all the trouble they have created for themselves, THEY ARE NOT REAL GYPSYS !!! el caballero de la nocheonegreatjohnny wrote:Why should we as tax payers pay to provide homes for:
But there's got to be a better way of dealing with families and children who have taken up residence on what was a scrap yard.The issue is lack of pitches.
Irish Nationals
People who want to travel
Law Breakers
Violent and Disorderly People.(This includes their thieving kids)
In Truth we do provide camping pitches all over the country and Law abiding caravaner's do pay for and use the sites, without any problems PLEASE take your head out of the sand and ask yourself a very easy question:
Why should we the tax payers pay for people that kicks us in the teeth especially when Basildon has hundreds of local homelessfolk living in B&B wanting homes.
Sorry but Charity begins at home to those that deserve it.
These Irish travellers deserve all the trouble they have created for themselves, THEY ARE NOT REAL GYPSYS !!!
bazza 1 says...
10:23am Mon 29 Aug 11[quote][p][bold]onegreatjohnny[/bold] wrote: But there's got to be a better way of dealing with families and children who have taken up residence on what was a scrap yard. The issue is lack of pitches.[/p][/quote]Why does the taxpayer (ME) have to provide pitches for someone who choses to live in a caravan, or an illegally built residence. Both of my sons and their families were born and bred in England, as were their forefathers for many generations, and they got not one scrap of help from any organisation to find housing. They pay high rents out of their earnings and do this as do most of the country's citizens by hard work. Pray tell me why a bunch of people mostly from Southern Ireland should be treated as a special case? They chose to come to England, and then bend the law to suit themselves. I for one am sick of it, and my guess is that given a chance, the majority of the population feel the same. So sod off and look after youselves. bazza 1onegreatjohnny wrote:Why does the taxpayer (ME) have to provide pitches for someone who choses to live in a caravan, or an illegally built residence. Both of my sons and their families were born and bred in England, as were their forefathers for many generations, and they got not one scrap of help from any organisation to find housing. They pay high rents out of their earnings and do this as do most of the country's citizens by hard work. Pray tell me why a bunch of people mostly from Southern Ireland should be treated as a special case? They chose to come to England, and then bend the law to suit themselves. I for one am sick of it, and my guess is that given a chance, the majority of the population feel the same. So sod off and look after youselves.
But there's got to be a better way of dealing with families and children who have taken up residence on what was a scrap yard.The issue is lack of pitches.
onegreatjohnny says...
11:13am Mon 29 Aug 11The majority of the population would bring back public hangings and, doubtless, the added fun of castrations, disembowelments and body part scatterings so beloved by them of yore for paedophiles.The majority of the population would bring back public hangings and, doubtless, the added fun of castrations, disembowelments and body part scatterings so beloved by them of yore for paedophiles. But we have representative democracy in this country not mob rule. Now I'm not saying that these people are angels - we all know what they get up to - and, for sure, the Irish government won't have it over there any longer. But there's got to be a better way of dealing with the problem of traveler families living on an old scrap yard than this. How the hell did it develop into this farce and don't give me that crazed anti-Human rights ranting? We all need those rights and we all need decent government both national and local. onegreatjohnnyBut we have representative democracy in this country not mob rule.
Now I'm not saying that these people are angels - we all know what they get up to - and, for sure, the Irish government won't have it over there any longer.
But there's got to be a better way of dealing with the problem of traveler families living on an old scrap yard than this.
How the hell did it develop into this farce and don't give me that crazed anti-Human rights ranting?
We all need those rights and we all need decent government both national and local.
Biker One says...
1:45pm Mon 29 Aug 11onegreatjohnny it has nothing to do with whether they are living on an old scrap yard or not. The original site was indeed on an old scrap yard but it soon grew out of all proportion with the local population finding their home values were plumetting.onegreatjohnny it has nothing to do with whether they are living on an old scrap yard or not. The original site was indeed on an old scrap yard but it soon grew out of all proportion with the local population finding their home values were plumetting. You yourself said [quote] But we have representative democracy in this country not mob rule [/quote] That's exactly the point. The honest tax payers and residents have seen this mob regarding the law as an arse, not to mention due process when planning regulations are concerned. They have tried every trick in the book to evade eviction. Now, with the forthcoming eviction you will see them for the lawless scum they really are. There will be violence and injuries not unlike the recent attrocities in London and our other major cities. Believe me when I say you will swallow your words in the next few weeks. Democracy is not a word these people recognise, and I would like to see the police and courts lay down harsh penalties when the inevitable violence and disorder begins. . In cases such as this I always recall the phrase 'Do as you likey' because this sums up the whole lot of them . Biker One
You yourself said
But we have representative democracy in this country not mob rule
That's exactly the point. The honest tax payers and residents have seen this mob regarding the law as an arse, not to mention due process when planning regulations are concerned. They have tried every trick in the book to evade eviction.
Now, with the forthcoming eviction you will see them for the lawless scum they really are. There will be violence and injuries not unlike the recent attrocities in London and our other major cities.
Believe me when I say you will swallow your words in the next few weeks.
Democracy is not a word these people recognise, and I would like to see the police and courts lay down harsh penalties when the inevitable violence and disorder begins.
In cases such as this I always recall the phrase 'Do as you likey' because this sums up the whole lot of them .
bazza 1 says...
4:28pm Mon 29 Aug 11[quote][p][bold]Biker One[/bold] wrote: onegreatjohnny it has nothing to do with whether they are living on an old scrap yard or not. The original site was indeed on an old scrap yard but it soon grew out of all proportion with the local population finding their home values were plumetting. You yourself said [quote] But we have representative democracy in this country not mob rule [/quote] That's exactly the point. The honest tax payers and residents have seen this mob regarding the law as an arse, not to mention due process when planning regulations are concerned. They have tried every trick in the book to evade eviction. Now, with the forthcoming eviction you will see them for the lawless scum they really are. There will be violence and injuries not unlike the recent attrocities in London and our other major cities. Believe me when I say you will swallow your words in the next few weeks. Democracy is not a word these people recognise, and I would like to see the police and courts lay down harsh penalties when the inevitable violence and disorder begins. . In cases such as this I always recall the phrase 'Do as you likey' because this sums up the whole lot of them .[/p][/quote]I couldn't have put it better mate. Well said. bazza 1Biker One wrote:I couldn't have put it better mate. Well said.
onegreatjohnny it has nothing to do with whether they are living on an old scrap yard or not. The original site was indeed on an old scrap yard but it soon grew out of all proportion with the local population finding their home values were plumetting.
You yourself said
But we have representative democracy in this country not mob rule
That's exactly the point. The honest tax payers and residents have seen this mob regarding the law as an arse, not to mention due process when planning regulations are concerned. They have tried every trick in the book to evade eviction.
Now, with the forthcoming eviction you will see them for the lawless scum they really are. There will be violence and injuries not unlike the recent attrocities in London and our other major cities.
Believe me when I say you will swallow your words in the next few weeks.
Democracy is not a word these people recognise, and I would like to see the police and courts lay down harsh penalties when the inevitable violence and disorder begins.
In cases such as this I always recall the phrase 'Do as you likey' because this sums up the whole lot of them .
onegreatjohnny says...
8:00pm Mon 29 Aug 11Does anyone out there consider that travellers with no official pitches available and planning laws - remember they own that land - that conspire against their lifestyle are caught in a cleft stick?Does anyone out there consider that travellers with no official pitches available and planning laws - remember they own that land - that conspire against their lifestyle are caught in a cleft stick? Do you think that they will just abandon their lifestyle, social connections and way of working to become settled like the rest of us? It aint't gonna work like that ... it never has for centuries, even when being a traveller was a capital offence in this country. onegreatjohnnyDo you think that they will just abandon their lifestyle, social connections and way of working to become settled like the rest of us?
It aint't gonna work like that ... it never has for centuries, even when being a traveller was a capital offence in this country.
ConcernedEssexBoy says...
9:38pm Mon 29 Aug 11Unite Against Fascism (UAF), the multi-union and very much Labour party backed group are trying to turn the Dale Farm eviction into a race issue to try to encourage like minded people to get involved in protesting against the evictions.Unite Against Fascism (UAF), the multi-union and very much Labour party backed group are trying to turn the Dale Farm eviction into a race issue to try to encourage like minded people to get involved in protesting against the evictions. I found this on the UAF website: "The Dale Farm Solidarity campaign will set up a protest camp, ‘Camp Constant’, on Saturday 27 August, four days before the eviction notice comes into force at the end of the month. The campaign is inviting all antiracists to join them and show their solidarity. There is also a national demonstration at Dale Farm on Saturday 10 September to protest against the effects that the government’s Localism Bill will have on the UK Traveller community. The demonstration is supported by UAF, Love Music Hate Racism, No Borders, No One is Illegal, Barbed Wire Britain, UK Uncut Basildon, Feminist Fightback, The Campaign to Close Campsfield, Southall Black Sisters, and numerous anti-cuts groups, trades councils, and human rights projects. Please contact UAF or the Dale Farm campaign for transport details. Dale Farm is home to the largest community of travellers in the UK, most of whom are of Irish Traveller or English Gypsy heritage. Dale Farm campaigners say the proposed eviction, if it goes ahead, is tantamount to ethnic cleansing. Numerous Traveller sites across the UK have already been closed, and the residents forcibly evicted. Such evictions are not simply about accommodation – they represent the criminalisation of a way of life, and are bound up with racial prejudice. The attempted eviction should also be seen in its wider European context. In Hungary, members of the fascist Jobbik party’s paramilitary Hungarian Guard regularlys target members of the Roma community. In France, the government has viciously attacked the Roma community, forcibly breaking up Roma camps and launching a wave of deportations. Even MPs from the ruling party have described these actions as ‘rafles’ – the French word for ‘roundups’ – to bring home what the policy means. The word is associated with the Second World War roundup of Jews by French police on behalf of the occupying Nazis". The UAF are looking for trouble, I think. ConcernedEssexBoyI found this on the UAF website: "The Dale Farm Solidarity campaign will set up a protest camp, ‘Camp Constant’, on Saturday 27 August, four days before the eviction notice comes into force at the end of the month.
The campaign is inviting all antiracists to join them and show their solidarity.
There is also a national demonstration at Dale Farm on Saturday 10 September to protest against the effects that the government’s Localism Bill will have on the UK Traveller community.
The demonstration is supported by UAF, Love Music Hate Racism, No Borders, No One is Illegal, Barbed Wire Britain, UK Uncut Basildon, Feminist Fightback, The Campaign to Close Campsfield, Southall Black Sisters, and numerous anti-cuts groups, trades councils, and human rights projects.
Please contact UAF or the Dale Farm campaign for transport details.
Dale Farm is home to the largest community of travellers in the UK, most of whom are of Irish Traveller or English Gypsy heritage.
Dale Farm campaigners say the proposed eviction, if it goes ahead, is tantamount to ethnic cleansing. Numerous Traveller sites across the UK have already been closed, and the residents forcibly evicted.
Such evictions are not simply about accommodation – they represent the criminalisation of a way of life, and are bound up with racial prejudice.
The attempted eviction should also be seen in its wider European context. In Hungary, members of the fascist Jobbik party’s paramilitary Hungarian Guard regularlys target members of the Roma community.
In France, the government has viciously attacked the Roma community, forcibly breaking up Roma camps and launching a wave of deportations. Even MPs from the ruling party have described these actions as ‘rafles’ – the French word for ‘roundups’ – to bring home what the policy means.
The word is associated with the Second World War roundup of Jews by French police on behalf of the occupying Nazis".
The UAF are looking for trouble, I think.
el caballero de la noche says...
10:42pm Mon 29 Aug 11[quote][p][bold]ConcernedEssexBoy[/bold] wrote: Unite Against Fascism (UAF), the multi-union and very much Labour party backed group are trying to turn the Dale Farm eviction into a race issue to try to encourage like minded people to get involved in protesting against the evictions. I found this on the UAF website: "The Dale Farm Solidarity campaign will set up a protest camp, ‘Camp Constant’, on Saturday 27 August, four days before the eviction notice comes into force at the end of the month. The campaign is inviting all antiracists to join them and show their solidarity. There is also a national demonstration at Dale Farm on Saturday 10 September to protest against the effects that the government’s Localism Bill will have on the UK Traveller community. The demonstration is supported by UAF, Love Music Hate Racism, No Borders, No One is Illegal, Barbed Wire Britain, UK Uncut Basildon, Feminist Fightback, The Campaign to Close Campsfield, Southall Black Sisters, and numerous anti-cuts groups, trades councils, and human rights projects. Please contact UAF or the Dale Farm campaign for transport details. Dale Farm is home to the largest community of travellers in the UK, most of whom are of Irish Traveller or English Gypsy heritage. Dale Farm campaigners say the proposed eviction, if it goes ahead, is tantamount to ethnic cleansing. Numerous Traveller sites across the UK have already been closed, and the residents forcibly evicted. Such evictions are not simply about accommodation – they represent the criminalisation of a way of life, and are bound up with racial prejudice. The attempted eviction should also be seen in its wider European context. In Hungary, members of the fascist Jobbik party’s paramilitary Hungarian Guard regularlys target members of the Roma community. In France, the government has viciously attacked the Roma community, forcibly breaking up Roma camps and launching a wave of deportations. Even MPs from the ruling party have described these actions as ‘rafles’ – the French word for ‘roundups’ – to bring home what the policy means. The word is associated with the Second World War roundup of Jews by French police on behalf of the occupying Nazis". The UAF are looking for trouble, I think.[/p][/quote]Do me a bloody favour !! garbage is rubbish !! el caballero de la nocheConcernedEssexBoy wrote:Do me a bloody favour !!
Unite Against Fascism (UAF), the multi-union and very much Labour party backed group are trying to turn the Dale Farm eviction into a race issue to try to encourage like minded people to get involved in protesting against the evictions.I found this on the UAF website: "The Dale Farm Solidarity campaign will set up a protest camp, ‘Camp Constant’, on Saturday 27 August, four days before the eviction notice comes into force at the end of the month.
The campaign is inviting all antiracists to join them and show their solidarity.
There is also a national demonstration at Dale Farm on Saturday 10 September to protest against the effects that the government’s Localism Bill will have on the UK Traveller community.
The demonstration is supported by UAF, Love Music Hate Racism, No Borders, No One is Illegal, Barbed Wire Britain, UK Uncut Basildon, Feminist Fightback, The Campaign to Close Campsfield, Southall Black Sisters, and numerous anti-cuts groups, trades councils, and human rights projects.
Please contact UAF or the Dale Farm campaign for transport details.
Dale Farm is home to the largest community of travellers in the UK, most of whom are of Irish Traveller or English Gypsy heritage.
Dale Farm campaigners say the proposed eviction, if it goes ahead, is tantamount to ethnic cleansing. Numerous Traveller sites across the UK have already been closed, and the residents forcibly evicted.
Such evictions are not simply about accommodation – they represent the criminalisation of a way of life, and are bound up with racial prejudice.
The attempted eviction should also be seen in its wider European context. In Hungary, members of the fascist Jobbik party’s paramilitary Hungarian Guard regularlys target members of the Roma community.
In France, the government has viciously attacked the Roma community, forcibly breaking up Roma camps and launching a wave of deportations. Even MPs from the ruling party have described these actions as ‘rafles’ – the French word for ‘roundups’ – to bring home what the policy means.
The word is associated with the Second World War roundup of Jews by French police on behalf of the occupying Nazis".
The UAF are looking for trouble, I think.
garbage is rubbish !!
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