Tuesday 30 August 2011

Camp Constant: Day 2 | Dale Farm Travellers

Camp Constant Welcome Desk

We woke up this morning to a beautifully sunny day- a good start as many of us had stayed up late last night around the bonfire getting to know each other and chatting about how the Camp was going. We had a productive day yesterday- giving site tours to lots of newcomers, giving a press conference to camera crews from most of the major news networks, and organising strategy planning meetings with some of the local residents. Some of the sessions that happened yesterday afternoon were a legal observer workshop and a session on Traveller history. The legal observers are being trained so that in the case of an eviction, we have a team of people trained up in human rights and health and safety regulations to be able to monitor what the police and bailiffs are doing so that we have an accurate record of what happens, minute by minute. If human rights abuses occur, this record can then be used to pursue a case legally, and in outreach work and education about how horrible evictions are. Legal observers can also inform activists and residents of their rights and relevant police powers.

This morning we started off with a tasty pot of porridge, and now we are meeting to discuss what’s happening today. Lots of keen volunteers have signed up to help cook lunch, prep some of the chalets that the residents have granted us use of, cleaning out the toilets (!) and taking shifts on the Welcome Tent and Kids Space. There’s a busy schedule ahead, including more training for legal monitors and a non-violent direct action skillsharing session.

If you haven’t made it down yet, there’s still a day of scheduled workshops on Monday, so it’s a great time to come down and meet some of the people involved. If you want to be part of the struggle against this brutal eviction, then come down by yourself or with friends to spend a night or two at Dale Farm to show your support and make it clear that this eviction won’t go ahead without resistance. You can find info about signing up to spend time here on dalefarm.wordpress.com.

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