Tuesday 27 September 2011

Dale Farm: Get ready for Thursday

In the meantime, we continue to need help fundraising, so if you're on facebook, please invite your friends to this:
https://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=127738047328282 or email this link to people you know: http://dalefarm.wordpress.com/donate/
And if you can organise fundraisers in your local area to support Travellers at Dale Farm and feed supporters, please contact us for materials.

Finally, all of the companies below are profiting from the destruction of people's homes at Dale Farm. Consider organising a protest or action against them. Here are their phone numbers in case you want to give them a ring on Wednesday and let them know what you think.

Constant & Co Tel: (01234) 340091
H.E Services - Supplying diggers: Tel: 0871 22 70707
Longmarsh- Supplying Mini buses: Tel: (01234) 217833
CW- Supplying generators Tel: free phone 0800 38991911
Garic- Supplying cabins Tel: 01706 826189
Unit Hire -supplying cabins: Tel: 0161 766 8808
Pickerings- Supplying Plant - 01530 271618
