Tuesday, 17 January 2012

4. Justice - Ottawa 2012 - Liberal Biennial Convention | Congrès biennal libéral – Ottawa 2012

4. Justice

WHEREAS federal laws prohibit the production, distribution, possession and use of numerous drugs and narcotics;

WHEREAS the government creates and enforces drug related laws for the purpose of reducing the consumption of illegal drugs and reducing drug related crimes;

WHEREAS violent crimes are often triggered by the effects of drugs;

WHEREAS violence in homes and communities is often prompted by drug related conflicts;

WHEREAS crimes such as smuggling, possession, trafficking and manufacturing are committed;

WHEREAS theft crimes are often committed by users in order to obtain drugs;

WHEREAS punishment for drug related criminal offences often includes incarceration and probation services costing the justice system millions of dollars every year;

BE IT RESOLVED that a Liberal Government emphasize prevention and rehabilitation programs within communities as well as in house programs in the federal penal system.

Liberal Party of Prince Edward Island
