House of Saud ~ USA’s Relationship with the most repressive Regime in Middle East ($$)
Saudi Arabia has long been involved in purchasing sex slaves. Up until recently, most of these slaves were purchased in Africa. With the advent of oil wealth the Saudi princes have been able to extend their slave purchases throughout the world. This has enabled the Saudi princes to become more selective and specialized in their tastes for slaves. The Saud family continue to be the prime purchasers on the international slave trade and are known as high end buyers. The Saudi Arabian Government continues to refuse to sign the United Nations treaties on slavery or other human rights issues because they do not want to be subject to their provisions. They will not sign extradition treaties even with Washington. They constantly declare they are free of slavery but will not allow international scrutiny. We will deal with the kidnapping of US male and female children by Saudi princes and their associates in this issue. We will substantiate the pattern of abuse using documented occurrence where the princes and their associates have been caught.
It has been an open secret in Washington that the State Department has been extremely sensitive to criticism of its actions regarding Saud Arabia and its princes. There has been an unusual amount of personnel turnover at the Saudi Arabian desk where officials showing the slightest tendency towards ethics and morality are either transferred or terminated to make an example to others. Why the State Department sensitivity? There are things going on in Saudi Arabia which are so embarrassing to Washington that if the United States citizenry knew, their worst fears about Washington would be corroborated. We will deal with one of these sensitivities in this issue, child abduction by Saudi princes. This is one of several issues we have been reluctant to publish because of the emotional ramifications to families of children who have been abducted around the world in general and the United States in particular. We had to balance what the Saud princes involved in these abductions would do upon publication. In considering publishing this article against the potential benefits of making known their actions, we chose the latter. The humanitarian action would be for the Saudi Arabian Government to return the sex slaves to their US families so they could receive hospitalization and rehabilitation. We believe this will be considered impractical because of the numbers as well as the legal and political ramifications.
We have seen time and time again US media reported scandals when slaves of Saudi princes and their associates brought into the United States try to escape. The State Department then intervenes on behalf of the Saudi princes with diplomatic or retroactive diplomatic immunity. We initially became aware of non-parental child abductions by Saudi princes when a US citizen enslaved and tortured by King Fahd’s nephews was told by a guard in their palace prison the last person to inhabit his cell was a “US girl child whore slave”. We soon found the extensive nature of the non-parental abductions of US children by Saudi princes and their procurers.
The Middle East Times reports: “There’s no capability for reform, no strong character to stop the princes from corruption. You’d need someone to line tens of them up against the wall and shoot them, they’re so used to spending this amount of money. You couldn’t tell them — you don’t need 20 whores for the night, just one or two. Or you’ve got 20 dwarves in the palace, do you need to get two or three whores for every one? Someone like Prince Bishai Bin Abdel Aziz — that’s one real debauched individual. Try to stop him and he’ll come and kill you.” L105 The Saudi princes dehumanize child sex slaves obtained through their sex rings by demeaning them and calling them whores so as not to come into conflict with Saudi religious tenets.
There is a thriving industry of international child sex slavery within the United States. It has gone unabated for decades covered up by the assertiveness of Washington lobbyists representing the perpetrating countries, especially Saudi Arabia. Saudi princes are the high end buyers in the US child sex slave market and demand the best product. How does the US sex slave trade operate?
The National Center for Missing & Exploited children reports: “Child pornographers (and pimps), like other sex offenders, seek victims in places where youth gather: shopping malls, fast food establishments, nonalcoholic clubs, video game arcades, bus stations and through unethical ‘modeling’ agencies. The fact that juveniles are being recruited from the community both for pornography and prostitution is most disturbing … runaways were spotted by pimps loitering in bus stations who approached the teenagers almost as they exited the buses. … A primary method of procuring a juvenile for prostitution is through the use of feigned friendship and love. … They (procurers) evaluated what the young woman needed, created the dependency, and then took advantage of that dependency. … if a teenager was a runaway the pimp would find shelter for her … Through practice, many child molesters have developed a real knack for spotting vulnerable victims.”L106 This is a favored recruitment method commonly used by procurers to obtain children of both sexes for their own use or sale. Again, among the most prominent high end purchasers within the international child sex industry are Saudi princes. Saudi princes will also “special order” children through a picture of the child in a media or give a description of a desired child. In these cases the child is “snatched” from in front of their house, coming from school or at a store while with a parent. The child is in Saudi Arabia before the local police develop a search procedure.
The National Center for Missing & Exploited Children further reports; “pimps placed legitimate advertisements in newspapers and interviewed women for secretarial positions. They told female applicants that no job was available or that it had already been filled. They then attempted to date the applicants. With continued contact the pimp worked on the woman’s weaknesses and tried to find out if she needed large sums of money. The pimps also placed advertisements for dancers, models or escort services. Showcasing was another technique in which applicants performed acts that were videotaped. While videotaping, the pimps tried to discover if the young women were interested in making large sums of money. They (procurers) wanted to be identified as mind controllers, experts in understanding the vulnerabilities and dependencies of women and men”L107 With quality product in hand, procurers will then send videos to Saudi princes in an attempt to sell the child. If the Saudi prince is interested he may ask that delivery be made near his plane in order to make a swift exit to Saudi Arabia.
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